List of Moves

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Revision as of 19:58, 10 May 2018 by Hibiwiki (talk | contribs)
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No. Name Damage Effect Type Power
000 Swipe Physical Damage Relentless 1
001 Body Tackle Physical Damage Brute 6
002 Skull Slam Physical Damage Relentless 4
003 Chomp Physical Damage Brute 5
004 Reckless Charge Physical Damage Brute 5
005 ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
006 Swallow Water Magic Restores HP by 20% Will N/A
007 Fin Slap Physical Damage Will 10
008 Huge Bite Physical Damage Brute 10
009 Jelly Belly Physical Increases Defense by 10% Relentless N/A
010 Spore Shot Magic Damage, 40% chance of Infection(?) Unstable 2
011 Vile Tail Physical Damage, 50% chance of Infection(?) Unstable 3
012 Accelerate Magic Increases Speed by 20% Relentless N/A
013 Gather Parts Magic ??? Unstable N/A
014 Cluster Stab Physical Damage Unstable 10
015 Envelop Magic Damage, Lower enemy's Defense by 10% Unstable 3
016 Ammonyawn Magic 30% chance of Infection, Lowers enemy's Defense by 20%(?) Unstable N/A
017 Haunting Moan Magic increases enemy's Defense by 20%(?) Unstable N/A
018 Dark Tooth Physical Damage Vicious 5
019 Silver Dash Physical Increases speed by 10% Relentless N/A
020 Predate Physical Increases attack by 10% Vicious N/A
021 Black Magic Magic Damage Unstable 7
022 Salivate Magic Increases enemy Speed by 10%(?) Vicious N/A
023 Cross Bite Physical Damage Brute 10
024 Smother Physical Damage Vicious 5
025 Stampede Physical Damage Relentless 12
026 Shiver Physical Increases defense by 10% Relentless N/A
027 Crush Claw Physical Damage, Increases attack by 10% Brute 8
028 Wing Beat Magic Increases speed by 15% Relentless N/A
029 Steel Self Magic Increases Resistance by 15%(?) Will N/A
030 Cold Flurry Magic Damage, Decreases enemy Resistance by 15%(?) Unstable 9
031 Power Punch Physical Damage Brute 11
032 Lizard Hammer Physical Damage Brute 11
033 Scythe Slice Physical Damage Vicious 7
034 Tidal Claw Physical Damage Will 6
035 Draco Charge Physical Damage Relentless 6
036 Slime Slap Magic Damage Unstable 5
037 Dark Pull Magic Damage, Increases enemy Speed by 50%(?) Unstable 10
038 Petal Imprint Magic Damage, Increases Attack by 15% Relentless 5