Wayward Woods

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Revision as of 17:53, 9 December 2020 by (talk)
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This forest is temporary for the demo, the true forest will be farther north and much bigger in comparison.


Teedon Crisa Saliskipper
Teedon sprite.png Crisa sprite.png Saliskipper sprite.png

Level range: ? - ?


The forest currently has 2 boss monsters that you can fight. Both re-spawn when the game is reloaded.

Collure Moves
Collure sprite.png
  • Dark Pull
  • Steel Self
Lvl: 35 Type: Unstable
??? Moves
???boss sprite.png
  • Petal Imprint
  • Shiver
  • Smother
Lvl: 20 Type: Unstable