Philosopher Kings

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The Philosopher Kings were a group of three magically gifted kings who, at some point prior to the game's story, ruled over Crown Island with an iron fist. They are responsible for the creation of Domigon, and records of their rule can be found in the form of a soldier's diary scattered around Crown Island. Eventually, they met their fate at the hands of Issac, King Tenna, King Mau and King Dania in a great war twenty years prior to the events of the game. Many people refuse to talk about them beyond the surface level aspects due to many adults being directly impacted by the war.

Not much is known about the Philosopher Kings for certain. Through the Notes from the Island, we have learned that one of them was named King Greed, and another one was named King Punishment. We also know that they are capable of high-level magic beyond what any monster is capable, and that they "[exude] an incredible level of power" and that Greed specifically "seems to somehow tower above us all".

Their exact appearances, real names (if they have them at all.), the extent of their powers and the name of the third Philosopher King remains unknown.