Mill Town

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Panipillr sprite.png

Mill Town
East of The Farm
Northwest of Mill - Dew
Map Description
{{{Top Left}}} {{{Top Center}}} {{{Top Right}}}
{{{↖}}} {{{↑}}} {{{↗}}}
{{{Center Left}}} {{{←}}} Mill Town

(You are here)

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{{{Bottom Left}}} {{{Bottom Center}}} {{{Bottom Right}}}

Mill Town is located east of The Farm, and can be reached by walking through the Windy Province.

To the south of Mill Town is Mill - Dew.

Places of Interest

1st Chief Tamer

See also: Chief Tamers

See also: Jasper

The first chief tamer, Jasper, is located here.


See also: Kiry Healing Locations

There is a Kiry to the southwest of the town, which can heal all of your monsters for the price of $15.


There is a telephone situated next to the store from which the player can call home.