Starter Monster

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Once you catch a Primigon for your father, he praises you for your hard work, and tells you that when he made a trip to charity kingdom last week he picked up a comic book just for you! Telling you to take a break from farm work for the day so you can read it.

On the back cover you find a personality quiz, saying: "Answer these questions and mail it in with 1g to win your VERY OWN MONSTER!"

After you send it in, a week later you get a nice surprise in the mail...

Depending on the answers you sent in a different monster will be recommended to you, but it is ultimately up to you on what monster you pick as your first partner.

Sprite Monster Number Type
Hooclaw sprite.png Hooclaw 024 Vicious
Canite sprite.png Canite 027 Brute
Darwhol sprite.png Darwhol 032 Will
Dracoyle sprite.png Dracoyle 015 Relentless
Ambigu sprite.png Ambigu 002 Unstable