Monster Trading Cards

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Revision as of 14:51, 26 August 2021 by RacieB (talk | contribs) (card printer / dream pacts)
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Panipillr sprite.png

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Laz sprite.png

A binder featuring holographic cards from the Raging Riverbed set

After obtaining a Monster Trading Card Binder from Empathy Kingdom, Monster Trading Cards can be purchased as $500 Booster Packs from any store. Each booster pack contains five random cards from its set list. Available booster pack set stock is randomized. More monster cards can be printed by a woman in Nio Kio, if you show her a base example of the species you want.

Gazing into a card will take you to a dreamlike procedurally-generated dungeon inhabited by hybrids of the featured monster, and you will receive 5 Dream Pacts per visit to recruit these monsters with. If the dungeon is not navigated successfully then the card will be lost, otherwise it will become holographic and can be visited indefinitely.

Booster Packs

Raging Riverbed

001 Primigon 016 Nautlus 017 Rodask 021 Laz 024 Hooclaw 051 Gorgem 052 Harveskin 055 Jungro 070 Tanukrook
Primigon sprite.png Nautlus sprite.png Rodask sprite.png Laz sprite.png Hooclaw sprite.png Gorgem sprite.png Harveskin sprite.png Jungro sprite.png Tanukrook sprite.png
082 Gualop 084 Drangus 092 Roedra
Gualop sprite.png Drangus sprite.png Roedra sprite.png

Perilous Plains

027 Canite 031 Duserp 034 Domigon 041 Stega 056 Bileat 070 Tanukrook 075 Vulter 082 Gualop 083 Hyna
Canite sprite.png Duserp sprite.png Domigon sprite.png Stega sprite.png Bileat sprite.png Tanukrook sprite.png Vulter sprite.png Gualop sprite.png Hyna sprite.png
088 Trove
Trove sprite.png