List of Monsters by Designer

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Revision as of 18:44, 14 October 2021 by RacieB (talk | contribs)
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Panipillr sprite.png

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Laz sprite.png

This is a list of every Monster in Monster Crown organized by the person who designed them. As we learn more, the list will be updated. Hybrid designs are presumed to be handled by the lead developer.

Captain Ahab

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
007 Teedon Teedon sprite.png Relentless icon.png Relentless
013 Walerus Walerus sprite.png Brute icon.png Brute
023 Arakiruby Arakiruby sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable
025 Brutus Brutus sprite.png Brute icon.png Brute
035 Vera Vera sprite.png Will icon.png Will

Dandey Mond

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
144 Ghawlin Ghawlin sprite.png Malicious icon.png Malicious
151 Alfric Alfric sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable


Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
157 Gyn Gyn sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable


Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
109 Fraust Fraust sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable


Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
135 Maphallis Maphallis sprite.png Malicious icon.png Malicious


Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
??? Nighknit Nighknit sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable


Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
??? Hauntremelo Hauntremelo sprite.png Malicious icon.png Malicious


Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
108 Hymeraden Hymeraden sprite.png Will icon.png Will