Mill - Dew

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Panipillr sprite.png

Mill - Dew
Southeast of Mill Town
Southwest of Dew Cave
Map Description
Connecting Locations
Mill Town Dew Cave
Mill - Dew

(You are here)

Mill - Dew is located to the south of Mill Town. It is a lush green area with lots of grass and trees.

Walking east through Mill - Dew, the player can come to the entrance of Dew Cave, which leads to Desperado Province.


Wild encounters[edit]

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
056 Bileat Bileat sprite.png Malicious icon.png Malicious
016 Nautlus Nautlus sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable
019 ??? (Saliskipper hybrid) Mill Dew Hybrid sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable

Level range: 5 - 9

Pumpkin encounters[edit]

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
052 Harveskin Harveskin sprite.png Malicious icon.png Malicious

Level range: 5 - 9



Player holding a lantern to lure one of the three Syleendra in Mill - Dew

Syleendra can be seen in the ocean in three locations in Mill - Dew. The Player can lure the Syleendra into battle by picking up one of the two lanterns at the entrance of Mill Town and carrying it until they are beside the sea where Syleendra is. The Syleendra will then approach the player and a battle with it will begin.

Syleendra respawns upon soft-reseting the game.

Name Sprite Level Type Color 1 Color 2 Moves
Syleendra Syleendra sprite.png 15 Unstable icon.png Unstable
Move Power Type Damage Status
Replenish N/A Unstable icon.png Unstable Magic icon.png Magic Self: -4 Synergy, +200% HP
Hyper Flash 2 Unstable icon.png Unstable Magic icon.png Magic Foe: -10% DEF, RES
Dizzy Ray 4 Unstable icon.png Unstable Magic icon.png Magic 90% Chance of Reality Break.

Places of Interest[edit]


To the southwest of Mill Dew is a dock, from which the 1st chief Tamer, Jasper, tries to make an escape after being defeated by the player.