Wayward Woods

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Panipillr sprite.png

Wayward Woods
West of Riverbed
Map Description
Connecting Locations
Deep Woods

(Two entrances)

Wayward Woods

(You are here)


This forest is located west of the Riverbed,


Wild Encounters[edit]

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
004 Crisa Crisa sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable
007 Teedon Teedon sprite.png Relentless icon.png Relentless
019 Saliskipper Saliskipper sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable
020 Slumbear Slumbear sprite.png Relentless icon.png Relentless
008 ??? (Collure hybrid) The Forest Hybrid sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable

Level range: 7 - 12



Num Name Sprite Level Type Color 1 Color 2 Moves
008 Collure Collure sprite.png Lvl ? Unstable icon.png Unstable
Move Power Type Damage Status
Dark Pull 7 Unstable icon.png Unstable Magic icon.png Magic Foe: -30% SPD

Collure does not respawn.