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(Obtainable through completing Side Quests)
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Revision as of 23:02, 30 April 2021

The area to the north of Desperado Province, and south of Humanism Kingdom.


Wild encounters

Domigon Vulter Brutus Fu ??? (Malicious Harveskin Unstable-Form)
Domigon sprite.png Vulter sprite.png Brutus sprite.png Fu sprite.png
Scarred Province Hybrid sprite.png

Level range: ? - ?

Obtainable through completing Old Man Quests

Main article: Old Man Quests

Meerlin Alieel Gridag
Meerlin sprite.png Alieel sprite.png Gridag sprite.png

Obtainable through completing Side Quests

Main article: Side Quests

Bregalle sprite.png

Pumpkin encounters

Harveskin sprite.png

Level range: ? - ?

