Scarred Province

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Panipillr sprite.png

Scarred Province
Map Description
Connecting Locations
Humanism Kingdom
Scarred Province

(You are here)

Desperado Province

The area to the north of Desperado Province, and south of Humanism Kingdom. It is a rugged area showing visible signs of scarring from the Civil War. Tombstones and impact sites litter the location.


Wild encounters[edit]

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
034 Domigon Domigon sprite.png Brute icon.png Brute
075 Vulter Vulter sprite.png Relentless icon.png Relentless
025 Brutus Brutus sprite.png Brute icon.png Brute
119 Fu Fu sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable
052 ??? (Harveskin hyrbid) Scarred Province Hybrid sprite.png Malicious icon.png Malicious

Level range: ? - ?

Obtainable through completing Old Man Quests[edit]

Main article: Old Man Quests

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
141 Meerlin Meerlin sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable
124 Alieel Alieel sprite.png Malicious icon.png Malicious
081 Gridag Gridag sprite.png Brute icon.png Brute

Obtainable through completing Side Quests[edit]

Main article: Side Quests

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
058 Bregalle Bregalle sprite.png Will icon.png Will

Pumpkin encounters[edit]

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
052 Harveskin Harveskin sprite.png Malicious icon.png Malicious

Level range: ? - ?



Places of Interest[edit]

Old Man's House[edit]

Main article: Old Man

See also: Old Man Quests

The Old Man's House is located to the east of Scarred Province. It is where the Old Man lives.