Undergrowth Pass

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Panipillr sprite.png

Undergrowth Pass
Map Description
Connecting Locations
{{{Top Left}}} {{{Top Center}}} {{{Top Right}}}
{{{↖}}} {{{↑}}} {{{↗}}}
{{{Center Left}}} {{{←}}} Undergrowth Pass

(You are here)

{{{→}}} {{{Center Right}}}
{{{↙}}} {{{↓}}} {{{↘}}}
{{{Bottom Left}}} {{{Bottom Center}}} {{{Bottom Right}}}


Wild encounters

Hermes Chuk
Hermes sprite.png Chuk sprite.png

Level range: ? - ?



There is currently one boss in Undergrowth Pass, a Vera. It is an optional boss, and is concealed in a cavern that can be accessed by using the canoe ability on the two red docks to the south of the cave. It respawns upon reloading the game.

Name Sprite Level Type Moves
Vera Vera sprite.png 38 Will icon.png Will