Flowering Province

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Panipillr sprite.png

Flowering Province
Map Description
Connecting Locations
Undergrowth Pass Appenton City
Sepnal Flowering Province

(You are here)

Deep Chasm

(Pass through Frost Province)

Frost Province

Flowering Province is a location to the east of Crown Island. It is a beautiful area covered in large flowers. Often the player can see the sight of petals being gracefully carried by the wind. It is also the location of the ferry that can take the player to Sepnal.


Wild encounters[edit]

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
043 Hani Hani sprite.png Will icon.png Will
045 Bifra Bifra sprite.png Brute icon.png Brute
046 Lifra Lifra sprite.png Relentless icon.png Relentless

Level range: 8 - 16

Available through wild egg[edit]

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
128 Panipillr Panipillr sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable

Pumpkin encounters[edit]

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
052 Harveskin Harveskin sprite.png Malicious icon.png Malicious

Level range: ? - ?

Places of Interest[edit]

Ferry to Sepnal[edit]

Main article: Sepnal Ferry

See also: Sepnal

Panipillar's Egg[edit]

Panipillar's Egg can be found in the caves in Flowering Province.

Artur's House[edit]

Main article: Artur

Artur's house can be found to the north east of Flowering Province.

Uncle Funkel[edit]

Main article: Uncle Funkel

See also: Antifungal

Uncle Funkel can be found to the east of Flowering Province, just to the west of the entrance to Appenton City.