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In Monster Crown, Breeding is a core gameplay mechanic. In fact, the whole game revolves around breeding your monsters and creating strong hybrids! But how does it work?

The Basics of Breeding

The Barn

Breeding, like Fusion, offers a method of combining the features of two different monsters. When breeding you assign one monster as the Primary monster (indicated by a + sign) and one as a Secondary monster (indicated by a - sign). The dynamics of breeding change depending on which type of breeding you choose.

Unlocking the breeding mechanic

The Monster Breeding and Storage menu.

To breed your monsters, you need to have completed the story quest you get after visiting the King of Humanism. Then you can enter The Barn, located to the west of The Farm. Once you are able to access this structure, talk to the Meryl inside to bring up the breeding menu.

This menu is also how you access the monster box, where all of the excess monsters you pact with or hatch go when your party is full.

To start breeding

At the bottom of the menu are two boxes; monsters must be placed here in order to breed them. Before you do, though, it’s important to understand how the breeding boxes work.

The red box marked with a plus is the “Primary Parent” slot, while the blue box marked with a minus is the “Secondary Parent” slot. Placing a monster in one of the two slots determines what traits they pass on to their offspring.

Once you have your monsters placed in the boxes, select the “Breed” menu option to produce your first egg! This will cost you some Respect Points, which you gain every time your monster levels up in battle, so make sure you have plenty if you plan on doing multiple breedings.


Just like in real life, offspring of monsters in Monster Crown have appearances and abilities that are determined by their chromosomes, which is made up of individual genes. Each of a monster’s genes controls a single trait, the list is as follows:

  • Hit Points (HP)
    • Determines how many hit points your monster has. Base HP is visible on the monster’s HP bar by hitting Tab to view base stats. The rounded number also displays where Growth Rate (explained below) is normally displayed.
  • Attack
    • Determines how much damage your monster inflicts with Physical attacks (marked with a sword in the move description).
  • Magic
    • Determines how much damage your monster inflicts with Magical attacks (marked with a fireball in the move description).
  • Speed
    • Determines how fast your monster is in battle. The monster with the higher speed stat attacks first.
  • Resistance
    • Determines how much damage reduction your monster receives from Magical attacks.
  • Defense
    • Determines how much damage reduction your monster receives from Physical attacks.
  • Species
    • Determines the base species of your monster. More on this in a moment.
  • Palette
    • Determines the color of your monster.
  • Type
    • Determines the type of your monster. This is not the same as the Form of your monster, which will be explained later.
  • Growth Rate
    • A multiplier that helps determine

Breeding using the default chromosome

Once you unlock the barn you have one chromosome available to use at the start, dubbed the 'default chromosome', if used the resulting offspring will inherit the features and stats as indicated by the table below:

Resulting Offspring
(-) Secondary
(+) Primary
(-) Secondary
(+) Primary
(-) Secondary
(+) Primary
(+) Primary
(-) Secondary
(-) Secondary
Growth Rate
(-) Secondary

Alternate Gene

The Alternate Gene is an extra chromosome you can unlock by pushing F7 in-game, while having similar stat inheritances compared to the default gene, it also have a special function, changing the overworld sprite of your bred monster. This is the only chromosome you are able to do that with, as it is not available as a selectable gene.

Resulting Offspring
(-) Secondary
(+) Primary
(-) Secondary
(+) Primary
(-) Secondary
(+) Primary
(-) Secondary
(+) Primary
(+) Primary
Growth Rate
(-) Secondary
Overworld Sprite
(+) Primary
Example list of Custom Chromosomes.

Breeding using custom chromosomes

As you progress through the game, you will be able to visit the Hewston Gene Lab. There you can edit the genes that will be passed down from the Primary and Secondary parents. You can save a set of altered genes as a new chromosome. You can change the chromosome that you are using to breed two monsters by talking to Meryl back at The Farm. This gives the player complete control over what features the Primary and Secondary parents pass down to their offspring. For example, it could be that you set for only the species of the Primary parent to be passed down to the offspring, with all the other features being passed down by the Secondary parent. This makes it much easier for the player to create monsters that adhere to their specific tastes and needs!

In order to breed monsters using a specific gene, press the “Set Gene” button in the breeding menu and select the gene you want from the list at the bottom of the screen.

  • Note: Right now, the Hewston Gene Lab can be accessed by talking to the Hooper Sister at the end of the path east from Frobec. Also note that once a gene is set, it can’t be “un-set” unless you soft reset or set a different gene.

The Gene Lab’s terminals allow you to choose which parent passes on which trait. Interact with the terminals to change the parent from Primary (green plus) to Secondary (pink minus) and vice-versa. The smaller, purple terminal is used to save your gene.

Gene Lab Terminal.png
Terminals in order: HP, Attack, Magic, Speed, Resistance, Defense, Species, Palette, Type, Growth Rate

Breeding two hybrids of the same species

Breeding two hybrids that are the same species of monster together will result in the offspring being the default form of said species.

Breeding using a brilliant monster

Upon breeding a brilliant monster using a chromosome that enables its palette colors to be passed down, the offspring inherits a random monster palette from all the monsters in the game! It is also possible to use a Brilliant to breed a Brilliant, but it is the same odds as encountering one in the wild or breeding with a non-brilliant (1/1000).

Types of Breeding

Normal Breeding

Normal breeding produces an egg. When this egg hatches you will produce a completely new monster!

Primigon and Madis Breeding Example.png

Eggs are kept in a special incubator and can be easily seen at a glance when you open the overworld menu. This makes it quicker to check how close they are to hatching at a glance, and best of all, they don't take up a slot on your party.

When the egg hatches, you'll have a fully matured, level 4 version of the child monster you created.

In your journeys, you will come across odd items that can be activated at The Farm to influence and force certain traits to be inherited over others, giving you an even finer level of control.

High Temperature Breeding

High Temperature Breeding is a volatile and potent form of breeding. It is accessed in normal gameplay after the player is given the Hot Temperature Module upon first speaking to Artur in Flowering Province.

In High Temperature Breeding, when two monsters breed, the egg hatches immediately into a monster embryo. This is because the embryo grows very quickly, (perhaps too quickly!) and outpaces its egg.

High Temperature Breeding Monster Embryo.png

This leaves you with a Monster Embryo! Without having to wait for eggs to hatch, you can quickly check the color, stats and moves of the newborn embryo. Those of you that specialize in careful breeding will find this solution very useful as you seek the perfect offspring - it'll cut down the time to find your ideal monster drastically!

But there is a trade-off to that quick stat checking! A monster embryo is entirely unfit for battle; if it takes a single hit it will be gone - for good!

But, you'll still have to raise your monster embryo to level 4 before it will take on its true form. The time you save while finding the perfect offspring means you'll have to use the embryo in battle so it gains EXP - while also protecting it!

Net Eggs

When breeding, if you're playing online, a copy of your offspring's genes is uploaded to the Crowns server. When performing a Net Egg breed you only enter a single monster. Afterwards, a random monster gene is pulled from the server and combined with your monster to produce a very surprising egg!

Move list inheritance

One of the many major perks of breeding monsters is that you are able to pass along the parent’s moves onto the offspring. Offspring favor their Primary parent when learning moves, and therefore learn them, in order, from the Primary parent and then as many as they can learn from the Secondary. Additionally, the moves that a monster learns via level-up is a direct combination of their parents’ movelists. If both parents would learn a move at the same level, the move that the Primary parent would’ve learned is selected.

  • Note: This system is a bit buggy right now, and not all monsters have their final level-up movelists in the game yet. Monsters who know six moves may level up and learn more, but these moves will be removed if you visit the move relearner, so beware.

Some moves are also capable of breeding a stronger version when both parents know the move. Presently, the only moves capable of upgrading in such a fashion are Swipe (which upgrades to Full Slash) and Dragon Blast (which upgrades to Dragon Blast 2).

List of moves you get through breeding:

How to get Move Power Type Dmg Status
Breed two monsters with Swipe Full Slash 7 Relentless icon.png Relentless Physical icon.png Physical N/A
Breed two monsters with Dragon Blast Dragon Blast 2 9 Unstable icon.png Unstable Magic icon.png Magic Foe: -10% RES

For an extended breeding tips and tricks take a look at: Extended Breeding Guide