Old Man Quests

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The Old Man Quests are 3 monster-based side quests that are given to you by the Old Man in Scarred Province. In each quest, the Old Man has purchased a new monster that is giving him a lot of trouble! If you can help the Old Man with quelling his monsters, he will gift them to you.

After the first quest, the next two quests are unlocked after progressing through the main story.

Old Man Quest 1[edit]

Upon first talking to the Old Man, he explains that a Meerlin that he ordered 'from a private breeder in Hewston', has become loose, and 'just warps around (his) house.' He says: 'I can't hope to catch it! If you catch him, he's all yours, but please, do something!'

The Player is then required to catch the Meerlin by successfully getting close enough to him and clicking on their specified button for 'confirm'. Upon catching him, the Meerlin will squeak 'Meek!' and you will enter into a battle with it.

Name Sprite Level Type Moves
Meerlin Meerlin sprite.png 5 Unstable icon.png Unstable
Num Move Power Type Dmg Status
??? Replenish N/A Unstable icon.png Unstable Magic icon.png Magic Self: -4 Synergy, +200% HP
001 Body Tackle 4 Brute icon.png Brute Physical icon.png Physical N/A

Upon finishing your battle with the Meerlin, the Old Man says: 'Oh! You got him! You're very fast on your feet (child)! Be sure to come back and visit me sometime."

Old Man Quest 2[edit]

Name Sprite Level Type Moves
Alieel Alieel sprite.png 25 Malicious icon.png Malicious
  • ?

Old Man Quest 3[edit]

Name Sprite Level Type Moves
Gridag Gridag sprite.png 40(?) Brute icon.png Brute
Num Move Power Type Dmg Status
??? Inferno 10 Unstable icon.png Unstable Magic icon.png Magic N/A