Deep Woods

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Panipillr sprite.png

Deep Woods
North of The Forest
Map Description
Connecting Locations
Windy Province West

(From Eastern entrance)

Deep Woods

(You are here)

The Forest

Deep Woods is a deeper section of The Forest. It contains higher level, stronger monsters.


Wild Encounters[edit]

Num Name Sprite Type Color 1 Color 2
008 Collure Collure sprite.png Unstable icon.png Unstable
022 Yetowl Yetowl sprite.png Relentless icon.png Relentless
055 Jungro Jungro sprite.png Relentless icon.png Relentless
063 Glossum Glossum sprite.png Relentless icon.png Relentless
070 Tanukrook Tanukrook sprite.png Malicious icon.png Malicious

Level range: 40 - 49


If the player takes the eastern entrance to Deep Woods, and proceeds westwards, they can come upon a Monster Nesting Ground. The Player's presence disturbs a swarm of Staglus, that then attack the player. There are a total of 5 Boss Staglus that the player has to fight.

Num Name Sprite Level Type Color 1 Color 2 Moves
054 Staglus Staglus sprite.png Lvl 40 Brute icon.png Brute
Move Power Type Damage Status
Buzz Blitz 6 Unstable icon.png Unstable Physical icon.png Physical Self: +10% DEF